All this web 2.0 is very new to me and while daunting it is exciting, but I am interested to see how much it used in the classroom. All our lectures are very inspiring but I wonder the speed at which it will flow into schooling. The fit does seem a good one for social constructivist approach, but again I wonder how much social constructivist stuff is happening out there in the classroom.
I would love to hear about others experience with this approach in the classroom during prac. My first prac was a total behaviourist classroom, thus when I tried anything with a constructivist lean, it all went pear shaped very quickly. I think the constructivist work is good, but it does require a great deal of scaffolding, training, and a supportive environment for it to work. I think they need to mention that to trainee teachers. I feel we are sold it as the best approach ever, but it does take a while to set up and encourage and support, then the results can be rewarding. It needs to be part of the classroom culture, and the creation of that environment does take a intensive, structured approach from the teacher.
I think it is an approach that should start from a young age when less of the problems with goup work are an issue (like dominant personalities, personalitiy clashes and students already set in their ways and not listening to others - which I saw in my classroom when I tried this apporach, they were year 6 boys, and like I said they loved the behaviourist apporach)